Eat meat and no edamame, plus stand... Star this Commitment
Day 52 of 52

maximumpeaches commits to:
Eat the same diet as before, except replace beans with meat and a lot of whole grains (barley and wheat berries) and stop eating the toasted edamame. The goal is to see if my terrible painful gas goes away! (sounds like a good goal, right?)
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February 9, 2020, 5:42 AM
Day was terrible. Ate sufficient given the circumstances.
February 6, 2020, 5:49 AM
Diet kind of fucked up today. I'm taking this commitment to be anything diet related. However I have stuck with not eating as many beans. I think also I'm going to stop eating so many vegetables in the morning. Main thing, in order to see if gas is cleared up, is to stop eating after 5pm. Even after 3pm is best.

So, what I'm saying is plan going forward is to stop eating after 3pm-ish. I also want to limit myself to the following foods:
beef, whole grains (barley, wheat berries and oatmeal are all great), any of the sauces, nuts, flaxseed,
kind bars at work (although they're not great to have in the long run, and kinda suck. basically just candy),
potato chips at work (again not great to have in the long run),
a meal from eggs and plants (again, not great in the long run. I'm not sure about this one because I want to avoid any potential causes of gas, and this adds a number of other foods which I wasn't having before, but if I am craving food from a restaurant this seems like the best compromise out there),
date sugar (tasted good this morning with some beef and barley)
fruit (bananas, apples, etc.)
and yeah that's about it. notice how my list did not include beans or a lot of vegetables.
oh also beet juice is fine. I also want to avoid the soybean snacks for now and see if the gas goes away. If it does then I can reintroduce them and see if the gas comes back.
Main goal overall is to see if the gas goes away, and then to bring back whatever foods to see what was causing it. I just feel way too much gas and it sucks and is uncomfortable. I enjoyed eating beans and a lot of vegetables but the gas was too much. I'd rather eat beef than beans if the former doesn't give me gas. After I (hopefully succeed in) finding out what gives me gas, I'd like to eat more healthy, for instance no potato chips, and to eat a restricted amount of calories. In the meantime I don't really care because losing weight is not my top priority right now.
February 4, 2020, 4:09 PM
Woops I meant to make this commitment until the end of next week!
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