Exercise Regularly Star this Commitment
Week 52 of 52

Armoni2596 commits to:
Exercise 5 days each week
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
May 15, 2020, 2:17 PM
For w.e reason it now saving my journal just use this to keep me motivated
May 12, 2020, 3:11 PM
Good morning,

I started this journey for many reasons. Let go through them.

1. I want to workout consistently becuase I have a high rate of unhealthy people in my family wether is not working out or not eating right and somethings needs to change and that starts with me.

2. I want to workout consistently becuase I have low self steam, no confidence in my self becuase I think I'm sloppy and average compared to a lot of women and I'm extremely self conscious around my significant others and loved ones.

3. I want to build strength, discipline , and resilience mentally, phycially, and spiritually.

Now that I vented my reason for being here lets go in depth about how I feel and what brought me to my second stickk journey not even a qauter way into my 1st commitment.

1. As I mentioned before I want to change up thing in my family and since I'm now one of the youngest generations I can do that. I'm half black and half Hispanic an both sides of my family have a very unhealthy way of eating leading to a lot of generational problems like diabetes, heart disease, prostate cancer, hypertension, obesity,heart attack, stroke and much more unfortunately. And I want to change that I want to be the influencer of my family I want them to look at me like we can do tHis we can change I want to be fhe next hokage for my family and break these generational curses

2. Like many of us do I am incredibly self conscious and insecure about my body and the way I think other precieve me.. From love ones to friend to significant other I feel horrible about my body. Where did stem from ? My theory is my mom(not mad or blaming her) I'm just searching for the source. But since I was a little girl I wan thin as a twig and flat chested but even tho I was thin my mom mad it her duties to make sure we watched out weight so even tho I didn't need to my mom alway portion our food intake and snack intake made sure we were outside playing most of the day and if another person would offer way to much sweets my mom continuely tell us we not going to eat all of it becuase you need to be mindful of your weight and at the time the 4-5 year old me didn't know or what any of that meant I just did what I was told.but I had no idea how much of it I internalized as grew older. after a while my mom stop reminding men but for some reason I continued to tell my selfntp watch my own weight and when time came where my weigh fell off I was incredibly insecure and self conscious especially after I son. I want to say I'm beautiful an mean it I want to be confident in the things I say and the things wear I want to be comfortable naked in from of my s.o. so this isnt just a physical transformation for me it much more.

I want to build strength ,reclienc, and discipline not only physical but mentally I'm trying to do that through building a habit through my work out .how?
1.physical/mental strength : of course of I left lifting and working out regularly ill get stroner. I would also have to push my self through the tough times of my work out and that takes mental strength so over time that should build too.

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May 3 to May 10
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