Study More Efficiently Star this Commitment
Day 42 of 42

johntheleader commits to:
I'd like to increase my ability to go over material and derive the important information in a reasonable amount of time.
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My Commitment Journal
August 1, 2020, 1:12 PM
Hey you slacking!!!!
July 21, 2020, 3:51 AM
Overall, I found that my motivation to study stems from my need to be correct and accurate when explaining or relaying information. Both when trying to comprehend and explain myself as well string to be better.
Throughout this goal I've struggled with the motivation to do better. What I learned is that I value power and leadership, however I have not transferred that to my academics. Between this class and my Psychology of Personality course, the desire to study was increased when I was able to see the performance of others in comparison to my own.
While I didn't entirely master my study habits, I finally completed every assignment on and ahead of time. In this class however, my competition was myself. Which can be signified by the turn in date vs the due date for assignments. Still, new habits such as setting my calendar to show when assignments are open for submission rather than the due date moved me to a more competitive mindset to submit the best work I can do before others.
As far as other tactics that help with studying, I tabbed my notebooks by chapter for easy reference. And studied more at night when I was in a calmer more focused state. In regard to reading the material, I noticed reading seemed more pleasant when I knew the total amount of pages I was about to read. I think I need to be more conscientious, however. I find difficulty sticking to my schedules but as mentioned in a prior post, I having the sticky notes on my wall aide as a reminder to stay on schedule and look ahead.
I believe that overall this assignment helped me understand what pushes me to seek and engage more studious behaviors rather than just desiring them.
July 4, 2020, 4:56 AM
This past week has done pretty well compared to the others. At this point, I have completed work and notes for remainder of the semester. Overall, the time blocks didn’t help. What seemed to be effective was actually separating my creative workspace from my studying workspace.

Several things occurred once I did. It was easier to organize materials, I didn’t have the immediate reward of creating an idea, and my workflow became more consistent. I was able to reorganize my note and text books and file away other documents. There were less distractions that way. Instead of starting the process of manifesting ideas. Since I had my stocky notes next to me, I didn’t have to abandon my creative urge, instead I just wrote ideas and concepts. One issue I had with workflow was being aware that I was studying for a while and I’d start using my phone, so I turned it off. The outcome was whenever I impulsively reached for my phone, I was denied the reinforcement and had to return to studying. I believe I reached about five times. When I completed the assignments, I turned my phone back on.

Another factor I altered was how I take notes. Normally I would write definitions as I go. This week I tried writing down the chapter and section summaries and definition, then reading through the chapter. With this method I found it a bit difficult to remember material although it was easier to find answers and references I need. I question if I should alter study and notetaking methods by the class. For open book quizzes the new method is effective and faster, however I don’t think it’ll do well for classes where the knowledge must be actively applied.
June 27, 2020, 4:35 AM
So far I’ve completed my assignments on time but it’s not as timely as I would like. To be concise, my discussion for my psych class; I turn in assignments when/before they’re due but that isn’t sensible for certain ones. Studying is also slower than I’d like, however the change of environment has helped tremendously compared to last semester. Studying during my break time has helped in a way since I only have two 15 min and a 30 min lunch, the time constraint/ positive stress is motivating. I’m uncertain how to recreate that motivation so I’ll try studying for this course for 15-30 min time blocks. I’ll alternate between either assignment types: read for one class for one block then work on an assignment for another class during the next block. My theory is that it’ll lessen the boredom that is sometimes induced with studying for long periods.
I don’t see a need to fully revise my plan, rather, but I’ll add alarms to my study days. That way it’s harder to forget to study. It will also help to write the goals down so I can remember the tasks to consider. I think that one issue is not sticking to the schedule for both classes. However sticking to the schedule is also dependent upon how well the adjustments are applied.
As far as going through the readings, I found that reviewing the chapter summaries aids in material retention. It seems that writing down the summaries or writing my own summary, in addition to notes and annotations, would be sensible although it could be overloading as well. It makes more sense personally to get used to my new adjustments and change a little at a time and build some behavioral momentum in regards to study habits.
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