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May 6, 2021, 6:34 AM
Thank you for your feedback on the relevance of the book to the high school classroom. That is very important and good for me to hear you thoughts on that. I appreciate your honesty.
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November 22, 2020, 10:57 PM
A. The Engagement Mindset
B. I think it is the teacher’s job to keep students engaged. Some strategies to keep student’s engaged are creating lesson that relate the their lives, challenge them, make them curious etc.. I think home life can affect students ability to remain focused, because they carry what is going on at home with them. For students that live in poverty this could mean worrying about money, whether they are going to eat that day etc.. Learning with compliance means you’re follow a command and learning as a choice is just your own decision to learn.
C. The book mentioned making lesson/content more relevant while giving them some control over their learning. Some ways to relieve stress is by playing music, getting students to move, allowing for cooperation etc.. I learned the process of keeping students engaged which involves exciting the students to learn, making learning relevant, and incorporating hooks and questions that peak their curiosity.
D. Keeping students engaged in a mathematics classroom is typically hard unless you have students that enjoy math and want to learn it. I’d love for students to buy into a math lesson, but a lot of math in middle school is foundational and it builds. It very hard to create lessons with hooks and investigative questions until they have reached a certain point.
November 17, 2020, 4:23 PM
A. Enrichment Mindset
B. I haven't really judged any of the students in my clinical abilities based on my initial impressions of them. I assume they are all smart in their own ways. I think students pick up on your internal thought and motivations by the way you act and what you say. If you don't even put effort into helping the student the student picks up on it quickly or even if you respond with a comment like, "You need help again?". I don't think any studnets approach to learning is the same. One goal I have as a teacher in math is to teach them how to study and develop a growth mindset.
C. In this chapter I learned about strategies to help manage cognitive load like chunking, stretching content and spaced learning over time. My clinical is with gifted accelerated students and what I've noticed is there really isn't time to stretch the material. Part of this has to do with my cooperating teacher wanting to move quickly and the large amount of content that needs to be covered. What I also learned is about strategies for teaching thinking skills which is highly needed because even these gifted/accelerated kids can't think on their own. Very few can. Thinking is a process and I wish to teach the mathematical thinking process so the seeking out information section of the chapter would be very good to implement in the classroom.
D. I really liked the flow chart, because it is similiar to the one I found during the semester that I would like to use in the future. Many students don't know where to start when they are reading word problems or solving problems and the flow chart is like a guide to help them work through them. I wanted to try to use this with the honors students, but my cooperating teacher said they are too smart for them. Which I don't think is true because many of the times when I am helping the students in his classes I'm helping them understand how to read and interpret the problem. Next semester I will have a CP class so hopefully I can introduce it to them.
November 12, 2020, 5:02 PM
A. Rich Classroom Mindset
B. The climate is how our teaching and relationships affects the students. Classroom culture is our beliefs and values as a teacher. My cooperating teacher creates a healthy classroom climate by creating relationships with the students. I like to show the application side of math to students so they know how problem solving helps them in daily life.
C. To foster a rich classroom climate I want students to find their own voice and vision. Not me forcing my thoughts, voices and opinions on them. I wanted to invite them to share personal experiences and encourage them to take risks. Also supporting them with my responses to their dreams, stories or experiences by responding with how important their voice is. To help student become academically optimistic incorporating choice so they can own their work and teaching for mastery. Mastery comes from making mistakes and learning from them so students could be allowed to make test corrections, makeup homework etc. As they improve I would want to celebrate their achievements.
D. Foster student vision is an important strategy I could implement. Knowing more about the students and their goals can help me adjust lesson planning. I think in math studnets could set goals for the class and write about milestone they would need to reach to accomplish those goals. Even if it is just a future goal like in the book example if the students want to be president a micro goal is to pass the classes they are in right now. We could even brainstorm some reasons how math or skills they learn from math could be important in achieving these goals like resiliency. Resiliency is the ability to recover quickly from set backs and in math if we get a problem wrong or fail a test we want to keep trying to get better.
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