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Week 7 of 7

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May 6, 2021, 6:22 AM
Your responses are very thoughtful and demonstrate a deep understanding of the mindsets.
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November 24, 2020, 3:05 AM

A graduation mindset places the eyes and focus of the student on the job force after high school or prepares them to enter into the world of college. Our goals as educators should always be for 100% of our students to graduate high school. The goal should not be to just force them through our class to be someone else's situation the next year. Students can be surrounded by doubt, unrealistic standards, and lack of support making graduation seem far from possible. Creating a space outside of the classroom can cultivate encouragement in the area of graduation and after school plans. There is a correlation between students that take part in after school activities and clubs and those that stay in school to earn a high school diploma. Learning to play a sport or instrument often helps in the development of a growth mindset where students are motivated and encouraged to enrich their learning. When speaking of playing an instrument it has been proven that students who have learned to play an instrument succeed in areas of reading, memory, and many other areas. It is shown that kids who are active are more easily able to engage and learn material at a faster rate. It can help performance in difficult subject areas when students complete physical activity prior to the lesson rather than after. We should be encouraging the students to move while learning rather than restricting them to their desks. While we should encourage all students to move forward with their education and go to college some students do not want to take that route, they may be ready for the workforce instead. Programs such as service learning, career centers, and others can partner with schools to allow for students to receive hands on instruction where they are able to first handedly see what the area or job of their choice can include and what they are to be doing within that career path. As a teacher failure for our students should not be an option. We should push and motivate them to enter into the workforce or continue into the college career. I enjoyed this chapter and the idea that not succeeding is not an option. Graduation should be our goal from the beginning motivating our students to want to make that large step in their lives and encouraging them that they can.
November 24, 2020, 2:39 AM

Engagement is key in creating a motivated student. Having material and lessons that are captivating and cause curiosity are key in furthering student learning. If a student is bored they are less likely to listen to the material placed before them. With that, not only are they not listening, but they are far from retaining any of the information. The students need engagement. The text set a goal for educators to purposefully engage students at least every nine minutes. Although at first this sounds overwhelming it can be the difference between a student who is actively participating and one who can be found asleep on their desk. This is key in creating an efficient classroom. The text moves forward to speak about smaller achievable ways for the teacher to engage the student so frequently. The teacher can utilize skills such as turn and talk, repeat after me, and other physical cues. Many of us can remember moments in class where we zone out from what the teacher is saying for a bit of time, sometimes longer periods than others. When we zone out and come back we are left in panic wondering what the teacher has just discussed and whether he/she will call on us. Creating an active space where students engaged in the learning can eliminate these boring times where students are unaware of what the teacher is speaking about. Not only should students have times where they recall material that has been covered to stay engaged but they should also have deep breathing and stretch times so that they can relax their brain in a positive way. When students are given options and choice within their learning they are far more likely to understand and seek the knowledge that they need. I took part in a gamified class where we were taught the subjects through our own choice of learning. I was far more engaged and more likely to obtain what I had learned because I sought it out and discovered the answers. We as teachers should make the material relevant and meaningful so that the students buy into what they are gaining rather than are bored from the material handed to them to be memorized. The greatest thing that I was able to take away from this mindset is that not all lessons have to be taught the way that they were taught to us. We can be innovative with the ways that we present information to students and they are more likely to learn and retain the information that they are learning when they are able to take part in it. I would consider myself fairly creative, it is wonderful to see that I can take this creativity and develop it in a way that can benefit my students and what they are learning. I hope to change the way that we feel that we need to teach into an open playing field where you can bring material and present it in ways that the students will best benefit from.
November 24, 2020, 2:20 AM

Fixed mindset focusses around the idea that things cannot be changed. Once you are unable to do something you are forever unable to complete that. The mindset that you lay before your students encourages how they react to many situations such as challenges, trying new things, and criticism. A key detail to getting students to buy into this growth mindset is to create a space where students know that they are safe and loved. The text explains that some students do not know where they will be sleeping that night or know where their dinner is coming from. Harsh realities such as abuse and neglect are far to common in young children. They are unable to focus on the material that is being placed in front of them because their mind is left wandering and in the process of thinking about all of these survival needs that they will be faced with when they leave the classroom. Students must understand that they are safe and within an environment that cares for them before they are able to let the thoughts of hope flood into their mindset. You must create a balance in the cognitive load and allow for the students to become comfortable in the areas that they are thinking about. There are many approaches to helping balance the cognitive load such as taking time between large chunks of information and returning/reviewing the information afterwards, stretching lessons out over a longer period of time, and encouraging self retrieval tools. Another large step in creating an enriching mindset is developing thinking skills and growing these skills by completing activities. Students should be able to utilize skills such as comparing and contrasting, analyzing, and making predictions or inferences. Ask questions that promote healthy arguments, spark meaningful conversation, and allow for many view points to be discussed. Creating the right attitude can encourage students to solve problem, work collaboratively, and expand vocabulary. For growth in speech areas the teacher can model and use more sophisticated language causing the students to wonder and question what words mean furthering their vocabulary knowledge. The largest thing that I will be taking away from this chapter is the idea that some students get it and some don't is false. You foster your students learning and can help grow skills that are underdeveloped or in areas that particular students are not understanding. By creating in yourself a mindset that says "they can," they see in themselves that growth is always happening and they are not stuck where they are. Often students model what is placed before them. When a teacher is placed before them that explains that they know what they will and will move on without knowing the rest then they are stuck in the never-ending cycle of telling themselves that they have reached as far as they will and can not continue growing any further. Students must be told and retold that they can grow, and that they are capable of learning more.
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