I am averaging 4 hours of work per week this year. That is pathetic. I need to improve. Hopefully this recent improvement in sleep will do that. |
Good. Next:
1. Optimise Sleep
1. Wake 6:30am
2. Sleep 10:30pm
3. Average Time Slept 8 hrs
4. Shutdown Routine (cut blue light, soundtrack, magnesium, 5 min journal, read fiction)
2. Gastro
1. VSL#3
2. l-glutamine
3. Make new batch of kraut
3. Nutrition
1. Milk Thistle
4. Movement
1. 6000 Steps p/d average
5. CF study
6. UC study
2. BSOML Next Checkpoint 89.9kg average
3. Optimise Happiness
1. 5 minute journal
4. Work Rate = greater than 8hrs 15 minutes
5. OMiiiC
1. Online Products + Services Sales
2. Creative Writing
1. Blog
2. Book
3. Creative Production
1. Audio
2. Video
4. Optimising Biodiversity / Sustainability
6. Complete Course
1. WDB
7. Reduce Coping Mechanisms by 10% of Average
1. Consuming Media
2. Nicotine Gum
3. Caffeine
8. Show Your Work
1. Pom Spreadsheet + Emoji Game
2. CF + UC blog, StickK Tuesdays 1 month trial run. |
1. Sleep
1.1 Sleep time 8 hours
1.2 Bed time 10pm
1.3 Wake time 7am
2. Get to 91kg
3. How can I track Happyness? One of those emoji calendars? WhadIgottado to get that done?
4. Work Rate : 8hrs this week.
5. Try out Online Jewellery Sales.
6. Complete Course
6.1 Time Spent
6.2 Percentage Complete
7.Coping Mechanisms 3 hours MAX per day
8. Show Your Work 1 hour for the week. |
Victory over the Goals of Last week!
New Goals
1.Increase Average Sleep time to greater than 7:30.
2.Earlier than 00:45 average bedtime.
3.Create Caloric Deficit Plan in meal plan spreadsheet.
4.5 hours of Yoga first Workouts
5.15 hours of Work Rate |