Week 12 of 12

worry commits to:
Write in my log about my worries to put them on paper change my thought chatter to a plus reach out to people for support pray for guidance
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
December 23, 2012, 11:39 PM
This has become my weekly log.
It has helped me.
Last week I had few worry thoughts accost me. This is a good image. A worry is a thought that tags me and holds on tight. I don't have to let it.
Is any kind of worry legitimate? What does that mean? I worry about the what ifs. I worry about illness. I worry about money. Yes, this week I worried about money. I have been spending too much. But money doesn't cause me the distress that other worries do. Maybe it is because I know there is more maybe because I have dealt with it before and gotten through it. Who knows? Maybe because it is an actual worry that I can figure out solutions to in a reasonable way.
That is all for now. This has been helping me, for sure. It is a mystery why, but I am willing to dwell in the mystery for now.
December 17, 2012, 11:56 AM
This week went by quickly. My main worry was and continues to be Hannah's neck strain. It started to hurt her on Wednesday after the basketball game. She said it stopped hurting on Friday, but yesterday it had started again. What can I do to help her? These kind of injuries get me very anxious. When it happens I feel powerless. I need to learn how to contain it. I guess I would prefer she took a few days of basketball off and rested the neck. I also just want it to go away. It makes me uncomfortable. Physical ailments trigger me big time. Need to keep working on it. Money also is another issue of concern. These are all real worries as opposed to make believe or imagined ones. The question is how to respond to them in a way that doesn't escalate my anxiety to further levels.
December 9, 2012, 3:41 PM
This was a tougher week. I was overloaded and found myself sinking back into old patterns. Wondering about who will die and what will happen in six months time and if people are going in the wrong direction. I also was obsessing about Hannah's test scores and her "college future" and all that. Everything became a jumble. My response was to focus on today, to simply remind myself that much of what I worry about is simply beyond my control. Focus on what is in my hands. Also, communication with Don needs to be reduced. He is on a bit of a trip with this college thing and test thing. Remember that he is an addict and can get obsessed and controlling. I need to pull back from my communication with him somewhat. Slow things down there. Keep it simple. Keep it simple. He wants to be in there with Hannah, but he doesn't have a program. I feel a need to protect her from him. But they need to make their own relationship. And I need to keep my distance from alcoholics. That is key to my sanity and serenity. One of the keys. Continue to stay in the day. Gratitude for the day. What comes tomorrow is totally out of my hands. Do my duty today. Say my prayers today. Plan and turn over the results. Keep in mind the basics: health, safety, kindness, purpose. Even the first two are beyond my hands for the most part. So much is beyond. But we cannot throw our hands up in despair. Calm down. Do less. Be grateful. Stay quiet. Talk less, listen more. Be afraid less, love more. Pray.
December 2, 2012, 11:04 PM
This week I had a revelation of what it feels like to let the worrying pass. Several worry thoughts floated into my mind. These included stuff related to Benjamin's travel to France, how he would fare, Hannah's behavior that worries me and wondering whether it is a symptom of something deeper and more troubling down the road, thinking of being here for 10 years and whether that means that trouble is on the way. However, I did not get stuck or stumble on these thoughts by adding to them. Furthermore, even my concerns about monetary issues did not trip me up. I have gotten into a bit of a corner with bills that have added up. But they will get paid off. It will work out. It is not severe. It was a great relief to be accountable to myself and to my fears without letting them dominate me. More work still needs to be done. It feels odd to let go of this, but I will continue to try it out.
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Displaying 1-4 of 12 results.
December 16 to December 23
December 9 to December 16
December 2 to December 9
November 25 to December 2
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Anti-charity (Abortion: Americans United for Life)
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Total at stake: $60.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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