Lose Weight Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

worry commits to:
Lose 4 lbs. in 4 week(s)
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
April 23, 2015, 12:36 PM
A few things I have learned this week from my efforts to pay attention to my eating behavior:
As a default I will often eat more than I need to at this point - example: a sandwich with all the bread at lunch when I only need at most 1 piece of bread, or perhaps no bread at all. Stay away from mindless habits about how much to eat.
Again, watch the nightime eating. Noshing after 8 pm not really because I'm hungry but I just want something in my mouth. Even beverages are unneccessary. They bloat me.
Psychologically I realize that I spend a lot of time in my head on this matter. I may need to come to the acceptance that there is only so much I can do with my body.
Third item: if I eat really small portions, I can eat mostly anything.
April 16, 2015, 12:17 PM
This week I thought that I could maintain the weight of the previous week. But I did not. I am struggling with eating much less than I would like, not so much because I am all that hungry but because it's part of the little pleasures of life. I suppose I could eat my food much more slowly and attentively and thereby reduce the quantity. I don't think I even eat that much, but clearly my metabolism is showing otherwise. I tend to eat more in the evening when I am tired. Morning is easiest to eat a small portion. Will continue to see how this evolves. I am also wondering whether I need to accept that where I am not in the weight world is where I need to be or am supposed to be - to stop fighting it or having to be so super vigilant. I think about it all the time at this point. Or almost all the time.
April 8, 2015, 6:17 PM
I was so happy that this week I did pay careful attention to: eating earlier, not taking second portions, upping my vegetable intake rather than fruit intake. I hit my target. Next week will be harder probably. I'd like to pay further attention to not snacking in the evening.
April 1, 2015, 12:13 PM
How will I commit to losing 4 pounds:
I will reduce the size of my meals
I will increase the amount of vegetables primarily when I am hungry
I will try not to eat after 8 pm
I will also recognize that at my age/stage in life it can be very hard to lose even this small amount of weight
I will avoid making impulsive eating decisions
I will try not to eat when I am tired, lonely, or bored, or distracted
I will eat slowly to savor my food
I will drink a lot more water and try to drink less coffee and tea.
I will drink more herbal tea.
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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results.
April 22 to April 29
125 lbs.
125 lbs.
April 15 to April 22
126 lbs.
126 lbs.
April 8 to April 15
127 lbs.
127 lbs.
April 1 to April 8
128 lbs.
128 lbs.
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Anti-charity (Gun Control: NRA Foundation)
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Total at stake: $20.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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