No mindless munching after dinner Star this Commitment
Week 13 of 13

Diligentwoman commits to:
eating nuts only on my salads, none at night after dinner; eat food only after it has been portioned into/onto a serving platter (no eating directly out of the bag/container)
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
November 3, 2015, 6:29 AM
What do I say this week??? In reality, I did not meet my commitment. My resolve has slacked, this commitment was too long for my mental sanity! The great thing is that the commitment has really helped me become re-aware of what I am eating, how much, timing, etc. Even though I've had some falling down days over the course of the last few weeks, I am more aware of my emotions, tiredness and hormonal fluctuations/body cycles influencing my behavior. I am ready to work on this commitment more, maybe from a little different perspective as I work on the 12 week fitness challenge with Flavia.
October 26, 2015, 4:21 PM
Wow, the last week of my commitment! It was generally a good week this past week. I was thrown off Thursday evening by a rich dinner and dessert for Os's birthday. After going home, even though I was full, I was craving hazelnuts. I decided to put some into a bag for my next day's lunch, and allowed myself to eat a few....which turned into a lot! I recognized that my body was looking for the fat or fiber (or the combination of the two) to help stimulate my gut and push things through. I haven't figured out if my body responds this way in response to being stuffed (too much food in the gut!) or due to the heavy sugar intake (a response to trying to lower blood sugar?). Anyways, I felt a bit off in my hunger on Friday, too- I ate the hazelnuts that were supposed to go on my salad as well as some pumpkin seeds.
This past Saturday, David and I went on a 8+ mile run- I was so hungry yesterday. Did pretty well managing my hunger, but allowed myself to munch on pumpkin seeds last night while working on a project. Over the next few weeks, I need to push through some high intensity, heavy calorie burning workouts, and push through the hunger. I want to get past this weight plateau so I can start wearing my LEAF!
October 19, 2015, 5:58 PM
Great week. I cleaned up my diet, stuck to a low carb, nutrient rich diet this week (even no chocolate and no coffee). I got into a bag of beef jerkey one night upon the awakening of evening hunger. However, I'm seeing great results. I took a break from working out on Thursday b/c of my structural integration work, on Friday because of my laser hair removal treatment, Sat b/c of lack of time, Sunday b/c of getting ill with a cold. However, I am happy with my physique, and am seeing the results of a super clean, healthy diet. Very happy with this!
October 13, 2015, 5:19 AM
Decided that 13 weeks is too long for a commitment. Needed a mental brake and shift at ~8 wks
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Displaying 1-4 of 13 results.
October 26 to November 1
October 19 to October 26
October 12 to October 19
October 5 to October 12
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Total at stake: $390.00
Stakes per period: $30.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $30.00
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